file_put_contents alternative php

My way of making sure files exist before including them is as follows (example: including a class file in an autoloader): //get all the possible paths to the file (preloaded with the file structure of the project), //try each possible iteration of the file name and use the first one that comes up, //ok that didn't work, try the other way around, //neither did thatlet's try as an inc.php. The first block are headers and standard number formats that you will recognise (which you just regurgitate in every file you create), then the data is simply an X/Y coordinate and a value. Note: . stream. Apart from that: this manual will apply to one Excel version but other Excel versions have different menus and configuration dialogs. "none" : "block"; }'. I tested the same and come to the same result: Excel does NOT recognize UTf8 BOM. It is dead easy to reverse engineer SYLK by creating a simple spreadsheet and saving as SYLK and then reading it with a text editor. Alex's answer was deleted by a moderator. Returns true if the file or directory specified by filename exists; false otherwise.. Learn PHP. PHP stream. Could you update the asnwer to explain what each command does. Why does my stock Samsung Galaxy phone/tablet lack some features compared to other Samsung Galaxy models? . "\n\n". Is there an alternative of WSL for Ubuntu? el valor en s mismo ser impreso. I wrote a PHP class that receives the data and outputs a SYLK file which will open directly in Excel by just clicking the file (or will auto-launch Excel if you write the file to a web page with the correct mime type. Write a CSV file and put greek or russian charcters into it. Since you've taken the time to point out how none of the other answers here cause Excel to open a CSV file correctly, it's worth mentioning that this answer doesn't do that either. //Debug variables, $i and $k are for recursive use. use el parmetro return. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. ).user.ini are partial php.ini's for modern setups (FCGI/FPM) And as crude alternative for runtime errors you can often use: However, importing to google sheets and simply downloading as csv worked like a charm. The application always uses UTF-8 because of its multilingual nature at all levels. If Excel ignores the UTF8 BOM and interprets data as ANSI, there is no way to import for example greek or russian text into Excel via CSV by a simple double click on the file (which was the question: "without any problems for a user"). A slight amendment to Matt's awesome print_r_reverse function (Thank You, a life-saver - data recovery :-) . (Here it should be named SSV = Semicolon Separated Values) CSV files cannot be interchanged between different language versions of Windows. Return Values. It's just run locally via a cron, not from a web browser. Do non-Segwit nodes reject Segwit transactions with invalid signature? While import we will get more options to choose character set. Changed encoding to 'UTF-16le' in fs.createWriteStream(fileName,{encoding: 'UTF-16le'}) and excel opened the CSV file correctly. Note: . stream. Well managed servers are cheaper. rev2022.12.11.43106. Japanese girlfriend visiting me in Canada - questions at border control? echo "current user: ".get_current_user(); echo "script was executed under user: ".exec('whoami'); If you see the difference between current user and "script user", then you've found the issue. The absolute numbers are off course system-dependant, but it clearly indicates that file_exists() is faster. Laravel specifies You should typically run the php artisan config:cache command as part of your production deployment process.The command should not be run during local development as configuration options will frequently need to be changed during the course of your application's It's just run locally via a cron, not from a web browser. How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? As I posted on Tell the software developer in charge of generating the CSV to correct it. Usage: The following will output an array in a PHP parsable format: posted a function that will echo print_r output with proper new lines in HTML files. Path to the file. / , PHP The following script checks if there is a file with the same name and adds _n to the end of the file name, where n increases. What do you mean by no LE or BE. I am new In Reactjs and php, I have index.js (page in Reactjs/nextjs) and i am sending image data (using multipart form data) And in Php i am trying to upload image but whenever i am trying to upload Here is a function that formats the output of print_r as a expandable/collapsable tree list using HTML and JavaScript. If they're all trying to access a single physical file, there will be contention. Warning: file_put_contents(symfony): failed to open stream: Permission denied in Command line code on line 1 Hot Network Questions Is there an alternative of WSL for Ubuntu? Trailing delimiters, such as \ and /, are also removed.. realpath() returns false on failure, e.g. If you want to make it fully automatic, one click, or to load automatically into Excel from say a web page, but can't generate proper Excel files, then I would suggest looking at SYLK format as an alternative. Comma:True for .csv files distributed in colums. ZIP Files using PHP. 10 alternative uses for vinegar. It worked well, only I had to save with UTF-8 BOM. (Webserver and CLI version often have different php.ini's).htaccess flags only work for dated setups (Find a new hoster! I tried the one posted, but I had difficulties with it. My way of making sure files exist before including them is as follows (example: including a class file in an autoloader): //get all the possible paths to the file (preloaded with the file structure of the project), //try each possible iteration of the file name and use the first one that comes up, //ok that didn't work, try the other way around, //neither did thatlet's try as an inc.php. Why does Cauchy's equation for refractive index contain only even power terms? Why is Singapore currently considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy by different publications? On systems which differentiate between binary and text files (i.e. I have a single php script that can be called by thousands of clients, Learn PHP. I have just converted the csv ';' separated to UTF-BOM in Notepad++ and know excels opens it correctly. PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. Things like that should be run on an internal server, without a public IP. If you want to make it fully automatic, one click, or to load automatically into Excel from say a web page, but can't generate proper Excel files, then I would suggest looking at SYLK format as an alternative. : . After you import/export the file, always delete the PHP file you use to do this task to prevent other people using it. more details. In the above example, the keys I also tried specifying UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF, but Excel ignores that. How many transistors at minimum do you need to build a general-purpose computer? Share. A side-note for the use of exit with finally: if you exit somewhere in a try block, the finally won't be executed. filename. As previously noted by multiple users, there seems to be a problem with excel reading the correct Byte Order Mark when the file is encoded in UTF-8. Return Values. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If filename is a relative filename, it will be checked relative to the current working directory. Apply an encoding of UTF-8 when you create your StreamWriter. So even though this may not be the preferred solution for all, it is pretty fail safe and the number of clicks is not as high as it may sound, especially when you're already logged into google anyway. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, startsWith() and endsWith() functions in PHP. Descargar Discografias Completas Por MEGA 1 Link MP3 Sin Registrarse 320 Kbps Bajar Musica Gratis | Descargar Soundtrack Completa Por Google Drive Both answers are great, but Alex's one fits my not clearly specified question a little better. Yet I had some classes where I just wanted the values coming out of the database, not all the other crap. return I made a bit of code that sees whether a file served via RTSP is there or not: Older php (v4.x) do not work with get_headers() function. When i tried UTF-16 with BOM it worked instantly. '\\0'), 0, 7)). An easy recipe for a natural washing up liquid suitable for both hand washing and dishwasher usage. I had to convert it with Encoding -> Cinvert ti UTF-8-BOM Excel version 2016. Is there a verb meaning depthify (getting more depth)? All-natural DIY washing up liquid. OK it is not as simple as CSV but it is text based and very easy to implement and it supports UTF-8 with no issues. float (\$id = substr(md5(rand(). false : . "