zeno dragon ball power

Il loro ruolo quello di distruggere i pianeti presenti nell'universo[12] per mantenere l'equilibrio cosmico e permettere a nuove stelle e pianeti di nascere[13] e di distruggere ogni cosa che rappresenti un ostacolo o minaccia al progresso del loro universo. In the case of the Grand Minister, however, his duties are to serve and to advise Zeno. Migatte no gokui ga dai bakuhatsu!! WebTop (, Toppo), also commonly known as Toppo, is the leader of the heroic team, the Pride Troopers, guardians of peace within Universe 11. Il nome di Champa fa riferimento allo champagne[24][25]. When Vegeta and Goku come in to change his sheets, Beerus attacks Goku several times while he's sleeping. Zeno is so powerful that he can wipe out entire universes in the blink of an eye. Quando Freezer uccide sia Elec che Gas, offre a Macki e Oil di unirsi alla sua armata, e loro accettano. Ha sempre tenuto ben nascosta la sua identit di angelo. Pikkon wonders if it is okay, but Goku says they have little choice but to to fight to please the Zennys, only for Pikkon to be confused by who he is referring to (either due to being unaware of the Omni-Kings position and/or unaware of Goku's nickname for Grand Zen-Oh and his counterpart. Whis notes that Earth has changed Beerus, and Beerus responded that he didn't use 100% of his power and told Goku that because he wanted to see his potential. Frost (Final Form) and Auta Magetta, Vegeta (Super Saiyan) and Master Roshi vs. Will It Come Forth? However, Beerus wants to see for himself and Gowasu shows the Time-Rings to Beerus in the temple. He blasts Magetta and forces him to the very edge of the stage, managing to only succeed as Magetta's species is revealed to be very sensitive to hurtful insults. Gohan to Pikkoro Shitei gekitotsu no Genkai shugy! Hit takes his leave soon after, intent to fight Goku another time as the job has no deadline. Ikinokore! Nel manga, inoltre, usa un congegno che gli permette di rimpicciolire i suoi nemici,[63] ed in grado di viaggiare da un pianeta all'altro con semplicit risultando pi veloce di un'astronave. For the manga version, see Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 The Manga. Goku wants to go after Monaka, but Beerus is reluctant, claiming he wants Monaka to fight last because he's the strongest. Manga ", After being ambushed by robbers after selling his produce at a local farmer's market, Goku realizes he has grown rusty from not having a decent challenge as he and Goten decide to train with Whis after buying a treat to win his services. After all of this, it's natural to assume that Omni-King Zeno is Dragon Ball's heaviest hitter. Monaka (?) The Super Saiyan God Is Finally Born!" Their strength seems to be the catalyst of training their respective Gods of Destruction, and also to prevent said gods from getting out of hand and going on a rampage. Hit vs Jiren!!" Occupation Meanwhile, with Gowasu too flustered to the Tenth Universe's Destroyer Rumsshi, "Which Universe Will Survive?! Dai san Uch Kyi no Shikaku!! 17's United Front!!" However, Goku and Vegeta's training with Whis is very noisy and it makes it difficult for him to do so. Frieza is about to eliminate Jiren, who accepts his impending defeat, but Top calls out to Jiren and inspires him to keep fighting despite his injuries. Gohan! It was later revealed by Whis that Beerus has in fact used not quite 70% of his full power, a feat he had not had to do in quite a while. / "I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno!". Goku's hair and eyes have turned silver. [3] They also have no need for sleep, unlike Gods of Destruction and Supreme Kais.[4]. Kai-sei no kessen! Beerus overhears Elder Kai's grumbling over Beerus' presence and warns him to not talk to himself so loudly. Much like the main Bardock, he was brainwashed by the Ultimately this trade-off wasn't worth it, and made Ultra Super Saiyan inferior to weaker preceding forms. "Gohan's Misfortune! Beerus also admits to Goku that there are indeed individuals in the various universes that are stronger than him, including his attendant/teacher Whis. The original incarnation of Goku in the Dragon Ball prototype Dragon Boy was Tangtong.The original inspirations for that story were Hong Kong martial arts films, including Bruce Lee films such as Enter the Dragon (1973) and Jackie Chan films such as Drunken Master (1978); Toriyama later said he had a young Jackie Chan in mind for a live molto legata a Kale ed disposta a sacrificarsi pur di salvarla e cerca sempre di motivarla. Vegeta orders the Future Warrior to not let Frost off with a disqualification thus Frost is allowed to remain and his poison is allowed though the Future Warrior now wise to his tricks defeats him. Pasta il leader del gruppo, e ha la capacit di far esplodere qualunque oggetto lui tocchi, Getti invece pu generare una frusta con la sua energia, mentre Penne (l'unica donna del gruppo) pu allungare le sue braccia. The Grand Minister even has one in the manga. Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle", After Frost arrogantly announces his intent to utterly defeat Vegeta with poison, both parties agree that the match should not be regulated by the standard rules so both combatants can fight to kill. Zenos child-like innocence is offset by the Grand Priests serious demeanor. Oltre ai soliti personaggi principali delle varie opere di Dragon Ball, in Dragon Ball Super compaiono: Jaco Tillimentempibosh ( Jako Tirimentenpibosshi?) Trasformandosi in Super Saiyan (1 o 2) la sua muscolatura aumenta leggermente e i suoi capelli assumono una colorazione verde, come accade a Kale quando diventa un Super Saiyan Berserker. The rules will be the same as the Tenkaichi Budokai and will be in five Earth days on the Nameless Planet at 10 a.m. per il suo stile di combattimento basato sulla velocit, ed il terzo pi forte dei guerrieri dell'Undicesimo Universo, nonch uno dei guerrieri pi forti di tutto il Torneo del Potere. *The following timeline is compiled using the years given in the guidebooks and video games, which are different to the ones used in Weekly Jump (2015). Jaco infine li arresta. For the third time, Beerus wins using rock while Oolong uses scissors for the third time. Nell'anime Dyspo viene eliminato da Freezer mentre Gohan lo tiene fermo, facendosi eliminare insieme al Guerriero Sonico, mentre nel manga Dyspo viene eliminato da Freezer insieme a Toppo mentre cerca di aiutare quest'ultimo. This form allows Goku to match full power Jiren, thanks to it exploiting openings in his guard - causing Jiren to refer to it as not being true Nel corso di Dragon Ball Super comincia a provare simpatia per Goku, Vegeta e per i terrestri, visitando spesso la Terra alla ricerca di nuove deliziose pietanze. Beerus then fires Goku an atomic like energy move, which Goku counters with a Kamehameha. Tali divinit posseggono una tecnica particolare che spesso utilizzano per distruggere pianeti o mortali; tale tecnica chiamata Distruzione ( Hakai? The casual relationships Beerus has developed prove he is not a completely merciless Destroyer who does not care for the whims of mortals. Beerus and Champa have an agreement "not to have fighting showdowns, but rather have food showdowns instead". Beerus is furious both are no shows and wonder if they decided to skip out on the tournament. It was after dinner that Goku admits to Gohan and Goten that someone wants to kill him. Quando Freezer distrugge la Terra, Whis salva tutti i presenti e riavvolge il tempo di tre minuti per permettere a Goku di dare il colpo di grazia a Freezer e ucciderlo prima che distrugga la Terra[30]. Beerus angrily confronts them for interfering though fortunately Chronoa contacts him and informs him she selected the Future Warrior to fight for Team Universe 7 though Beerus is unsure if he can trust her selection though given his situation Beerus accepts. Working together, Goku and Frieza overpower Jiren and tackle him off the tournament stage, which eliminates Goku, Frieza, and Jiren from the Tournament of Power. That being said, Zenos age puts every other character to shame. When Beerus fights against Goku on King Kai's planet, he is able to casually evade and/or block all of Goku's attacks even at Super Saiyan 3. Goku and Beerus continue to fight in space, their clashing blows revealed to be producing shockwaves then are causing the universe to be undone. Futatabi Imade mezame yo Torankusu. Zamasu Fuso in assoluto la versione di Zamasu pi forte apparsa. Nelle versioni giapponesi, Zeno (in entrambe le sue versioni) doppiato da Satomi Krogi e in italiano da Sabrina Bonfitto.[11]. A mysterious person summons Shenron and wishes to discover One-Punch Man's Saitama has accrued a legendary reputation since the start of his series. Nella battaglia della Terra scende personalmente in campo dopo la sconfitta dei suoi sottoposti e, potenziato da Molo, affronta contemporaneamente Gohan, Piccolo, Numero 17, Numero 18 e Jaco riuscendo a metterli in difficolt. Gas ( Gasu?) On the ground, when Beerus prepares to destroy the Earth, he blasts only a small rock and says he has already run out of power. They land a massive combined attack on him, but Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 3 long enough to easily deflect their attacks. Al torneo contro il Settimo Universo, dopo la sconfitta di Botamo, Frost affronta Goku[57] e poi Piccolo, sconfiggendoli entrambi irregolarmente grazie a un ago stordente presente nel suo braccio destro. Frost ( Furosuto?) Alternatively, Zeno might have been brought into reality already appointed to this role of greatness. Team Universe 7Team Universe 9Team Universe 10Team Universe 11 [11] He has a very indifferent behavior toward death, being the God of Destruction, and cares little to none about death and the billions, possibly trillions of lives he has taken over the years he has been the God of Destruction. Vegeta's Sacrifice Strike!". Once Bulma provides the incantation, with the wish made in the Divine Language, Whis summons Super Shenron, "Trouble at the Victory Celebration! Since then, the other Gods of Destruction have felt disdain towards Beerus.[19]. / "Come Forth, Divine Dragon! Goku is taken for medical treatment while Vegeta explains what happened in Future Trunks' timeline and Black's origin to Beerus and Whis with the former taking his leave as he only remained to learn Black's connection to Zamasu. Lui e Granolah vennero salvati da Bardack, stato merito suo se loro non sono morti insieme ai loro simili. Vegeta's energy is almost completely drained. He's finally achieved it. He is also confident in his superior power, not without cause, as he proved to be the strongest opponent ever fought by the Z Fighters at the time. Elsewhere, as Vegeta notices Whis is hiding something while assuming Super Saiyan Blue to pass his training regime. [3] The second ending theme song for episodes 13 to 25 is "Starring Star" (, Sutringu Sut) by the group Key Talk in Japanese and ProfessorShyguy in English. Una volta assorbito lo sgherro Seven-Three, egli ottiene la sua abilit di copia: inoltre a differenza dell'androide egli riesce a mantenere permanentemente i poteri rubati. After nearly being disqualified through by going out of bounds, Vegeta powers up in anger and destroys the arena's barrier. / "A Challenge From Champa! The scriptwriter Ysuke Watanabe originally envisioned Beerus as a villainous character who infects people with evil and was the one who gave the Saiyan race their ruthless characteristics. Beerus was asked by Goku to not interrupt their training but Beerus threatened to blow up the Earth. Goku vs Gohan"/ "Staring Down the Wall to be Overcome Goku vs. Gohan", As Gohan finishes training with Piccolo, they meet up with Goku, Master Roshi, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Mikiwamero! The Unseen Killing Technique!". 100% Full Power Frieza blasted him out of the arena. [8] In spite of developing a serious illness, and the vet declaring it didnt have long to live, it miraculously got better on its own, and the vet said it might be some kind of demon. In the aftermath, Goku reveals himself as Hit's client with Whis and Vados helping set everything up so he can fight the assassin at his best. The 6th Universe's Saiyan! Disprezza profondamente Tagoma ed geloso delle attenzioni riservate a quest'ultimo da parte di Sorbet e Freezer. The series begins with a retelling of the events of the last two Dragon Ball Z films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F', which themselves take place during the ten-year timeskip after the events of the "Majin Buu" Saga. Caratterialmente molto diverso dagli altri Kaiohshin apparsi nella serie: mostra infatti una natura avversa ai mortali, specialmente agli esseri umanoidi, secondo lui irrispettosi della vita e recidivi nei loro errori. Ogni suo attacco, solo nell'anime, inizia sempre con la parola justice che in inglese significa giustizia. Chronoa says she will try and make it up to Beerus, but he refuses as he will have no more of her cooking. In giapponese doppiato da Kazuhiro Yamaji[54] e in italiano da Diego Baldoin. ", Goku seeks a sparring partner to train with, but mostly everyone is unavailable. Things get even better for Team Universe 7 when the Toki Toki City Hero arrives with Goku. (, Chzetsu Dainamikku, "Excellent Dynamic!") The two prove to be no match for Whis., and both are too slow to land a single hit on Whis. ma verranno sconfitte ugualmente, nell'anime da Goku mentre nel manga da Gohan. It is the first television series in the Dragon Ball franchise to feature a new story in 18 years. After Beerus takes one, he becomes seemingly disgusted, to Vegeta's chagrin, but suddenly, he explodes in joy, Beerus enjoys the food, while describing its deliciousness. The Fortnite x Dragon Ball Super event states that "The world of Fortnite has never seen such power! Kanpeki naru Seizon Senryaku! [28] Nonostante la giovane et, un prodigio della lotta e in brevissimo tempo ha imparato a padroneggiare la trasformazione in Super Saiyan, e nell'anime anche quella del suo terzo stadio, ed il Super Saiyan II. Later in Age 779 during Frieza's Revenge, Beerus and Whis arrive to eat the Strawberry Sundae Bulma had promised them and tells Frieza he will not interfere just as he did in the original history. This results in a win for Universe Seven. Beerus creates an energy sphere and is ready to launch it, but Goku shows up and asks Beerus for time to bring the Super Saiyan God. Beerus calms down and hears of pudding by Whis. Beerus tells Goku tell he regrets being obsessed with the prophecy of the Super Saiyan God. Monaka is a short and slender, humanoid red alien from planet Wagashi. "Before any creation must come destruction!" Beerus then tells Vegeta, that he already had plans for Shallot and that he should take care of his remaining subordinate, less he Hakai them both which forces the Saiyan Prince to retreat in defeat. ), noto anche come Fusione Zamasu nell'anime e Zamasu (Fusione) nel manga, e di solito chiamato semplicemente Zamasu. Before going to sleep, Beerus granted Frieza permission to destroy Planet Vegeta because the Saiyans annoyed him and due to King Vegeta's disobedience, though Frieza ultimately chose to do so due to his own fear of the Saiyans growing power and their potential to become Super Saiyans. Their role is to guide and teach Gods of Destruction to master their destructive capabilities while also serving them as their personal attendants. The original incarnation of Goku in the Dragon Ball prototype Dragon Boy was Tangtong.The original inspirations for that story were Hong Kong martial arts films, including Bruce Lee films such as Enter the Dragon (1973) and Jackie Chan films such as Drunken Master (1978); Toriyama later said he had a young Jackie Chan in mind for a live In the manga, he also lied to Zeno about what Mule said, to potentially spare his gods from being erased. Here Comes Goku's New Move!". This form allows Goku to match full power Jiren, thanks to it exploiting openings in his guard - causing Jiren to refer to it as not being true Goku refuses and reveals he's been using the time to figure out how Hit's technique works, predicting and evading his opponent's moves. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Ha dei poteri nettamente superiori a quelli di Shenron, Polunga e Toronbo essendo in grado di esaudire qualsiasi desiderio senza alcuna limitazione,[7] ed di dimensioni infinitamente superiori a quelle degli altri due draghi: a confronto con lui, infatti, anche intere galassie sembrano minuscole. A number beside a character's name indicates which dimension (what timeline) they are from; if there is no number beside the character's name, that means that they are from the Nelle prime apparizioni, Champa intento a raccogliere le super sfere del drago, distribuite tra il Sesto e il Settimo Universo, capaci di esaudire un desiderio senza alcuna limitazione. Main article: Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. He also says that the losing universes will be erased from existence, horrifying everyone. However, after Moro's defeat, Merus' existence was restored by the Grand Minister due to a request from Shin, though he is brought back as a mortal with a definitive lifespan, though Merus is ultimately okay with stipulation, and he returns to his position as a member of the Galactic Patrol. conosciuto col soprannome di "Molo il mangia pianeti" ( Hoshikui no Moro? Gohan and Frieza take on Dyspo as a team, but they have little success. During the 40-hour preparation for the Tournament of Power, Beerus eats and sleeps, letting Goku do the recruiting. Universe 3's Menacing Assassin!!" Zamasu also developed an interest in the Super Dragon Balls. "Let's Do It, Grand Zeno! As the Zen-Exhibition match gets underway, Beerus observes how the other Universes view Goku since he is the one who requested the Tournament that is putting all of their lives in danger. Disappointed with his lackluster army, Frieza orders Sorbet to send in his elite soldier Shisami, "Change! Possiede i poteri replicanti degli OG e questo fa di lui indubbiamente l'elemento pi pericoloso della Legione, sebbene i suoi compagni lo considerino solo come uno strumento. The possessed Barry kidnaps Pan for a final showdown with Gohan, gradually turning into a monster who nearly kills Gohan. In the United States, as of 2020, only the Saiyan and Freeza arcs Once they arrive, the group find nothing has changed as the Saiyans and Bulma regroup with the Resistance as Future Trunks uses a senzu bean to heal Mai. WebThis article is about the original game. / "A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! The manga is also being released in English by Viz Media, which started in May 2017. Time to Fight Back, Son Goku!" / "A Commanding Presence! But Videl sees through Barry's actions as he is forced out after threatening to expose Gohan as Great Saiyaman, the film star parasitized by Watagashi soon after. Beerus threatens to destroy them for this but Chronoa reveals the truth of the situation explaining they had been sent on a Time Patrol mission. Due to the quick emergence of the Dragon Ball characters, Trunk got the pace equal to the first three top Dragon Ball characters. Pi tardi assorbe anche Vegeta, creando cos una perfetta copia del Saiyan[46]. While Beerus begins to get mad at Shin for putting his life on the line, the Grand Minister places a penalty on all those involved for the trouble caused. "An SOS from the Future! God of Destruction vs. Super Saiyan God"/ "The Universe Will Shatter? Also, the Angels tend to be well-mannered and well-humored, respecting mortals and gods alike, and treating them as equals during a conversation. Ad eccezione dei loro Angeli, gli Dei della distruzione sono generalmente gli esseri pi forti dei rispettivi universi, superando largamente i Kaiohshin. uno dei guerrieri pi forti di tutto il Torneo del Potere oltre ad essere uno dei guerrieri pi forti del suo universo. Back in the present in the Tenth Universe, the past version of Zamasu sees a recording of the tournament between the Sixth and Seventh Universes and expresses disgust that Goku can harness divine energy. Shipp-Dot no Msh! Goku then has Shin take him and Zeno to give him Future Zeno as the promised playmate with the Grand Minister, "Come Forth, Shenron! Most Dragon Ball tyrants would be content with a kill count in the millions or billions, but Zeno is operating on a whole other level. Solo quando combatte manifesta la sua natura sadica e arrogante. Some sly dialogue near commencement of the Tournament of Power indicates that Zeno has ruled as the Omni-King for 8.5 million years. Gok to Jnana-g no kyt!! / "Find them Out! WebDragon Ball (, Doragon Bru) is a Japanese manga by Akira Toriyama serialized in Shueisha's weekly manga anthology magazine, Weekly Shnen Jump, from 1984 to 1995 and originally collected into 42 individual books called Tankbon () released from September 10, 1985, to August 4, 1995. In the end, Frieza blows up the planet, but Whis shields Beerus, Bulma, Goku, Gohan, Jaco, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, Krillin, and Master Roshi. Before their argument can lead to a fight Whis and Vados step in with Vados suggesting trying Chili Oil as a topping, while Whis suggests Yakiniku sauce, which both Beerus and Champa agree to try ending their argument for the time being. The Beerus is eating the sundae when he is pointed out by Frieza, who is shocked to see him. Goku does his best to explain the situation and reveals Frieza has been revived as well to Pikkon's confusion (indicating the time fragment timeline anomalously combines aspects of the Other World Tournament filler and the canon Universe Survival Saga) as he considers Frieza weak but Goku assures him that Frieza is much stronger and off fighting elsewhere. Fukusei bejta no kyi! ", Dyspo challenges Hit and uses his incredible speed to overwhelm Hit's Time Skip. ", Given the impression that he intends to kill Goku as he explains they are in a blind spot, Frieza instead transfers from his energy into Goku to heal him as his way of repaying Goku's act of mercy during their fight on Planet Namek. This results in the death of all his men except for Sorbet, who is at a considerable distance. At the peak of its power, it controlled a majority of Universe 7. Goku and Vegeta battle Jiren, whose overwhelms the former with his punching barrage while Vegeta is able to dodge from analyzing Jiren's fighting pattern. However, Gohan's attacks begin to lift Botamo off the ground and renders him unable to defend himself, which allows Gohan to knock him off the stage. Future Trunks notes how strong Cabba is despite only being a "fledgling" Super Saiyan and wonders how strong he will become. In this form, the Super Saiyan 4's body is filled to the brim with ki. During one of these meetings held 75 Million Before Age, they got into an argument "over some trifling situation", and the short-tempered Beerus sealed the Supreme Kai at the time away inside the Z Sword, as it would not have been proper for him to destroy the Sacred World of the Kai itself. Some sly dialogue near commencement of the Tournament of Power indicates that Zeno The 2nd Universe's Witchy Warriors! While he tends to argue and compete with his brother whenever they are together, he does care about Champa as shown by his wish to Super Shenron to restore the Earth of Universe 6, giving his brother his own Earth, though it may have also been his way of preventing Champa from trying to acquire the Earth of Universe 7 through another competition. Once restored, revealing his horrific ordeal in Hell, Frieza desires revenge against Goku and Future Trunks. Age is a fickle thing in the Dragon Ball universe, especially when characters spend stretches of time in the afterlife or train in environments where time passes at a different rate than normal. Though Goku agrees when Tien calls off the match, he accepts Gohan's request for a one-on-one fight that ends with Super Saiyan Blue Goku using the Kaio-ken to defeat Gohan. God of Destruction of Universe 7 Ultra Instinct's Huge Explosion!!" Furious that his plan was foiled, Zamasu decides to attack Goku before Beerus intervenes and atomizes the Kai. uno dei due vice della banda di Saganbo. Il suo aspetto in parte ricorda quello di un'axolotl. WebDirectory: Characters Villains Former villains Video game villains Dabura (, Dbura) is the king of the Demon Realm. Warriors who are rendered unconscious are still considered active competitors until they are removed from the stage. The Legendary Super Saiyan transformation is the signature Super Saiyan form of Broly, and while it was originally non-canon, the form was officially canonized in Dragon Ball Super during the Tournament of Power. Regardless, just like Super Saiyan Ros, Super Saiyan White is an incredibly powerful transformation and helped make Fused Zamasu such a dangerous threat that it took Zeno destroying Trunks' entire timeline for him to be defeated. del Decimo Universo, Belmod ( Berumoddo?) Shaken by his helplessness against Frieza, Gohan tells Piccolo that he intends to resume his training so that he can protect his loved ones, which Piccolo is delighted to hear. Pan no osewa de shikuhakku! The Unbeatable Great Saiyaman!!" Saiya-jin no saib o kegasu na! While Bulma and her team are still repairing the Time Machine, Future Trunks finds Piccolo and Krillin mending the damages in the wake of Goku's fight with Goku Black. WebDragon Ball Super (, Doragon Bru Sp) is a Japanese manga and sequel to the Dragon Ball manga, written by Toyotar and overseen by Akira Toriyama. Additionally, they may also destroy planets if their God of Destruction requests it as shown by Vados when she destroyed a planet on Champa's orders. "A Miraculous Conclusion! Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Beerus then flicks Vegeta, making him fall to the ground. Top is about to eliminate them both, when he is interrupted by Goku and Vegeta, who are still fighting Jiren. Lavender and Basil, Frieza (Final Form) vs. Successivamente affronta Goku in persona, ma venendo potenziato fino all'eccesso da Molo, non riuscendo a contenere tutto quel potere, Saganbo muore collassando per la troppa energia, lasciando Molo completamente indifferente per la sua sorte. Kale e Caulifla usano la fusione durante il Torneo del Potere, e Kefla riesce, nel manga, a sconfiggere Kunshi, Kettol, Zoiray, Tupper, Cocotte e Vuon dell'Undicesimo Universo, per poi essere battuta da Gohan ed eliminata dal torneo. Qualche tempo dopo, i due Zeno organizzano il Torneo del Potere per distruggere i sette universi che perderanno durante la competizione. Shikakerareta Kkatsu na Wana!? del Dodicesimo Universo. Beerus compares Vegeta's weakness to his father while he smashes his head to the deck of the ship. Giving Future Trunks and Mai a video of Piccolo teaching her the Evil Containment Wave, Bulma attempts to buy them time by flirting with Future Zamasu and nearly gets herself killed. Top overwhelms Vegeta with his new power and states that he has cast aside everything else in order to become strong enough to win the Tournament of Power. The group starts playing Shiritori while waiting to arrive on the planet. 45+). While defeating Vegeta, in the anime, Beerus admitted that he used 10% of his power (1% in the original Japanese version), something he hadn't done in a long time. During the battle, Zamasu reveals to have made his body indestructible to all forms of attack while grabbing Goku and Future Trunks so Black can take them out with a Kamehameha. Vegeta and Goku go to Earth to get Bulma to invent a new Dragon Radar. Back to the Old Familiar Training Ground! sempre al fianco di Champa e lo aiuta ad organizzare il torneo di arti marziali tra il Sesto e il Settimo Universo[6]. The It was said that in the past Beerus has lost in an arm-wrestling match against Quitela. He is also a gourmet, and his planet is stocked with fish and other sorts of food. WebThe Tournament of Power (, Chikara no Taikai) is the name of the tournament held by Zeno and Future Zeno. Prior to his actual creation as a character, Beerus was first referenced in the manga chapter "The Zeta Sword" and the episode "Out from the Broken Sword" as the one who sealed Old Kai in the Z Sword. Goku later attempts to convince 17 to join the Tournament of Power, but the android is indifferent even after Goku reveals that all the losing universes will be erased from existence. Beerus is devouring pizza while Goku and Vegeta are training. However, as the pudding was made by Chronoa herself, who is notorious for her poor cooking skills, Beerus is enraged at how horrible it was, forcing Whis and the Future Warrior to subdue him as Goku is incapacitated by stomach cramps after eating some of the pudding. The Pride Troopers!!" Goku realizes that he is running low on stamina, deciding to quickly end the fight as he uses Autonomous Ultra Instinct to dodge Kefla's barrage of energy attacks while charging up a Kamehameha. Since he heard rumors that a Saiyan defeated Frieza, Beerus tracks down this warrior, Goku, on King Kai's planet. sono gli accompagnatori e i maestri degli Dei della distruzione. But Roh, seeing Frieza as too evil by his standards, argues against this with Sidra. It should be noted that this list will be focused primarily on Super Saiyan stages considered canon to the anime and manga so any forms outside the current canon Dragon Ball timeline won't be listed (save for one noteworthy exception). Fortunately, Beerus and his allies survive the Omnificence Crystal's Hakai thanks to the intervention of Whis who protected everyone remaining including Giblet who had been freed of Zahha's influence. However, she doesn't but they continue their "visit" in the seventh universe. Come Beerus, anche Champa adora assaggiare cibi nuovi. Her hair bears a resemblance to her eldest son Raditz', except much shorter and In the case of the Grand Minister, however, his duties are to serve and to advise Zeno. "Zamasu and Black The Mystery of the Two Deepens"/ "Zamasu and Black - The Duo's Mystery Deepens". Gohan develops a strategy that has Frieza use his energy to form a cage around Dyspo, which prevents him from using his high-speed attacks and allows Gohan to gain the upper hand. In giapponese doppiato da Keiichi Sonobe e in italiano da Luca Sandri. They are always in the Perfected Ultra Instinct state, and as such have instinctual dodging capabilities. del Sesto Universo, Beerus ( Birusu?) While waiting for dinosaur meat on his planet, Beerus tries to remember his dream of the warrior who he still not seems to remember. I due sono infatti sempre in competizione fra loro e tendono molto spesso a sfidarsi, cosa di norma proibita tra gli Dei della distruzione; tuttavia vengono tenuti a bada dai loro Angeli Whis e Vados. Enraged and humiliated, Frieza refuses to accept defeat. / "With Great Joy! After overhearing how Goku appears to be losing his fight against Moro, a hungry Beerus tells Whis that he wants to eat some tasty food and heads to Earth. 48 minutes on Earth) and the Universe with the most survivors, or sole survivor if there is one, will be the winner. The Grand Minister also stated that if the winner had made a selfish wish instead then the Present Grand Zen and Future Grand Zen would have erased the entire multiverse because this would have shown that the winning universe was no better than the erased universes and that the universes excluded from the Tournament of Power were no more worthy of existing. Gine is a woman of average height and slender build. A Dark New Enemy Emerges!!" Beerus warns Whis of tampering with time, though Whis counters that Beerus is being a hypocrite as his destruction of Zamasu had created a new Time Ring, much to his chagrin. Beerus displays the technique for Vegeta again in destroying a small rock, accidentally burning up his comic in the process. Goku and Vegeta (TUI and Utra Ego) Dragon Ball Wiki covers all things related to the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama, including the manga series, anime series, characters, collectibles and video games. Monaka vs. Whis asks Goku if he would like to be the next Destroyer God after Beerus dies, but Goku quickly turns him down. Vegeta aids Trunks with his Galick Gun and overpower Merged Zamasu's attack, though he survives unscathed. Bench umanoide, le fattezze di Dyspo ricordano quelle di una lepre, e assomiglia molto a Beerus. Most people don't view Zeno as deserving of pity, but it's still tragic that he makes the multiverse occasionally jump through such elaborate hoops simply to keep him company. Vegeta's Desperate Blow!!" ", As most of the members of the Seventh Universe team gather, Goku races to Mr. Satan's house and finds it impossible to wake Majin Buu up from his hibernation. [12][13] The ninth ending theme song for episodes 97 to 108 is "Haruka" () by Lacco Tower in Japanese and Zachary J. Willis in English. [14] Beerus is the God of Destruction of Universe 7, and his administrative zone includes planet Earth. The Dragon Ball Super manga diverges from the anime in a variety of ways, and one of those includes the introduction of Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. In the anime, at first, both Goku and Future Trunks mistook Whis as Universe 7's God of Destruction, because Whis' appearance is more "godlike" than Beerus'. Goku, Whis, and Shin reach Zeno's palace. Elsewhere, Botamo act on Champa's orders to attack Gohan, whose flurry of blows seemed to have no effect on Botamo. ed il guerriero pi forte dell'Undicesimo Universo nonch il guerriero pi forte in assoluto di tutto il Torneo del Potere. Merus lo aveva arrestato insieme ai suoi sgherri nel palazzo di Zuno. On the way back to his planet, Beerus continues to remember the name of the figure and starts to want something sweet for thinking so long. Tsuini ketchaku! Bejta Chiru!! Beerus is also quick to point out that Goku Black is not Goku, as his ki is very different and strange. Due to over exerting himself from using the Kai-ken technique against Hit, Goku has problems controlling his energy and is forced to take break to regain his strength. Angels have no need for food, though they can eat as a luxury. It's entirely possible that some of the biggest events in Dragon Ball Super wouldn't have come to pass if Zeno just has a strong group of friends by his side. With Goku down, Frieza and Android 17 face off against Jiren. He eventually defeats the leader. Ketchaku! The group finds Piccolo training with Gohan, recruiting him as their final member. After being unable to call Gohan or the others for help, Mr. Satan tries to enlist Goku's help when he arrives at the scene. He dodges all of their attacks with ease and uses a Kiai to subdue them. The strongest warriors from eight out of the twelve Universes are participating, and any team who loses in this tournament will have their Universe erased from existence. Gyakuten no kizashi! Nella serie invece Tagoma non viene ucciso e aiuta Freezer nei suoi quattro mesi di allenamento. WebDirectory: Characters Villains DB villains Directory: Characters Former villains Dragon Team Chiaotzu (, Chaozu) is a white-skinned, red-cheeked little Earthling. In the manga, after Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's quick defeat at Beerus' hand, Whis notes that achieving this state would allow Vegeta to take on any foe, including Beerus. Top is a tall and burly alien humanoid. Una volta cominciata non si pu fermare finch non stata completata. uno dei cinque guerrieri del Sesto Universo selezionati da Champa per il torneo di arti marziali contro i combattenti del Settimo Universo, ed il quarto tra questi a salire sul ring. "The Secret of the Self-indulgent") is a highly advanced battle technique, primarily used by Gods of Destruction. Krillin declines Goku's offer to spar, having gave up martial arts since he knows he would be no challenge for Goku. While momentarily caught by the massive Mosco, with some effort Beerus forced his way out of the body hold. Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. Goku's transformation to Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Vegeta's Final Galick Cannon, Unknown, off-screen Android 18 seemingly eliminated her, the Toei website states she was knocked off during Universe 9's battle with Goku and Vegeta, Final Form Frieza intimidated him to jump off the arena, Super Saiyan Blue Goku & Vegeta's Final Kamehameha joint attack, Struck down by Krillin's Destructo Disc Triple Blade, then hit mid-fall by Master Roshi's MAX Power Kamehameha. dell'Undicesimo Universo, e Geene ( Jn?) Prende le lotte molto seriamente, infatti durante le battaglie non mostra piet per i suoi avversari. "Gohan and Piccolo Teacher and Pupil Clash in Max Training!" A single snuff of wasabi is enough to blow multiple planets up, pronto. He continues to say that there are twelve universes, and the one Goku and his friends know is just one of them - the seventh universe. While Beerus does notget overly emotional, he is implied to have grown to care about Goku as he is seen clenching his teeth and fists and quietly lamenting if Goku's Spirit Bomb had truly backfired and brought about his end. It can also be manifested through the Ultra Ego transformation by those who are trained in the ways of Destroyers. Moori, prima di morire, dar al piccolo Esca il titolo di Capo Anziano. After Demigra's mirage is defeated by Beerus and the Future Warrior, he and Whis accompany the Future Warrior back to the Time Nest much to the surprise of Future Trunks and to the horror of Chronoa, where they agreed that if Future Trunks and the Future Warrior passed their "test", Beerus would allow the two Time Patrollers the honor of destroying Demigra. Nonostante ci Goku, per merito del potere di Ub che Vegeta gli ha concesso e grazie all'energia datagli dagli amici, distrugge il nucleo di Molo salvando la Terra e uccidendo lo stregone una volta per tutte. He tells Bulma if she, along with the others, wants to live, they should be next to him because he'll protect his ice cream. When Merus shows up and watches the battles on Earth with Whis, Beerus asks if he knows of any tasty recipes only to call him a waste of space when he does not. Super Saiyan Rage is a unique form that Trunks unlocked during the Future Trunks saga. Beerus elects to relocate the team's base to his planet after the Capitol is destroyed by Evil Buu. ", Master Roshi quietly observes the battles from afar. Il drago si esprime esclusivamente nella lingua degli dei, idioma nel quale anche necessario formulare il desiderio da esaudire. Beerus checks to see if Frost did cheat against Goku and upon confirming this, he allows Goku to reenter the matches. Monaka wears a green suit and However they must avoid drawn out battles as the more they fight the more energy Zahha can collect, thus they are in a race against time to stop him before he can acquire enough energy to destroy the universe. Sp Saiya-jin Goddo no paw!! Granolah per merito dei poteri che Torombo gli ha concesso, acquisisce molte capacit quali la levitazione, la telecinesi, la moltiplicazione corporea, oltre al fatto che pu percepire l'energia altrui con la forza della mente, e sa usare anche la Distruzione, tra l'altro quando combatte al massimo della sua potenza il suo occhio sinistro diventa rosso come quello destro. With Vegeta defeated by Beerus once again, the God of Destruction tells him that to grow stronger he must rebuild himself from scratch. By the time Goku returns, Piccolo had revealed the truth of the Tournament of Power to everyone with a betrayed Krillin confronting Goku about it with intention of dropping out like Android 18 and Tien. A detta di Beerus, il guerriero pi forte del Settimo Universo,[2][6] ma in realt questa si riveler una bugia detta dal Dio della distruzione dato che Monaka solo un semplice fattorino[7] convocato per motivare Goku e Vegeta in vista del torneo dei due universi[8]. Champa, come il fratello, possiede un comportamento infantile, che viene fuori soprattutto quando in disaccordo con Beerus. While Beerus is confident that the death of the present Zamasu has solved the crisis, Future Trunks expresses some skepticism and needs to return to his timeline to see for himself. They also follow the commands of their lords, the lords being the Gods of Destruction, Supreme Kais, but also the Omni-Kings and the Grand Priest. Koerubeki kabe o misuete! Ultra Super Saiyan. Beerus and Whis then appear on Earth with Shin to tell Goku and the others about Zamasu visiting Zuno. Il duo si reca quindi su Neo Namecc per ottenere le sfere: mentre Molo affronta Goku, Vegeta e Majin Bu, egli insegue e uccide Moori, anziano saggio del pianeta in possesso dell'ultima sfera del drago. Due to his life link to Shin, the only active Supreme Kai of Universe 7, Beerus has a strong desire to prevent his death, as it would cause Beerus himself to die as well. The final form to be discussed is Gohan's newest form, Gohan Beast. / "The Mightiest Enemy Zeroes in on Goku! ", Goku powers up even more and pushes the Spirit Bomb back towards Jiren before he repels it with a glare, Whis assuming him to be the rumored figure in the Eleventh Universe whose power surpasses Belmod. Additionally Goku hires Hit to aid Shallot against Goku Black and Zamasu when they try to abduct Shallot as part of their own plan to usurp Zahha. Alieno Wagashi originario dell'omonimo pianeta, Monaka un individuo di costituzione bassa e mingherlino. Goku and Jiren resume their battle, but Goku has the same problem he experienced with Kefla. The costume allows Beerus to fight Goku in Monaka's place tricking Goku into believing he was fighting Monaka. Whis suspects Frieza survived and escaped through his ability to breathe in space. An Unexpected Return! A lot has been done with the Super Saiyan concept since its initial appearance, and there is now a total of 21 different Super Saiyan forms in the Dragon Ball franchise. Vegeta declares that he will defeat Jiren. Belmod shouts at Jiren to finish off Goku immediately. del Decimo Universo, Khai (?) L i tre affrontano Gohan, Piccolo e Crilin sconfiggendoli. del Secondo Universo, Eyre (?) Off to the 10th Universe's World of the Kai's! Upon meeting Future Trunks, Beerus realizes that he is a Trunks from the future, and he and Whis deduce that the humans have been manipulating time, calling it a serious offense. The battle between Goku and Frieza begins. With his new power, Goku is able to effortlessly dodge Jiren's attacks and lands a heavy blow on him. Saganbo ( Saganbo?) Additionally, he ends up saving Goku from having his body stolen by Zamasu by killing the rogue Shinjin, though Goku Black's Time Ring prevented him from being erased. Although Angels are never afraid to take action, especially when subduing their Gods of Destruction. [31], Even as of the Granolah the Survivor Saga, Goku is not yet on the level of Beerus.[32]. As Goku and Vegeta are training by themselves in "that place", Beerus was seen eating pizza while sitting on a chair, eventually eating them all up. Beerus is pleased by the news and says they will go in after Piccolo. Android 16 is easily the tallest of all Androids / "Goku Must Pay! He is also shown to be egotistical, not wanting to admit whenever he is wrong about something or that he is to blame for a particular situation that was either directly or indirectly caused by him. The Future Warrior defeats Super Saiyan Cabba, only for Hit to defeat Vegeta. Give Praise Unto Me! Sent-ky Saiya-jin Batoru Futatabi!! Goku and Jiren exchange attacks continuously. Ultra Super Saiyan took the basic concept of Ascended Super Saiyan even further to give Dragon Ball Z's Trunks even more power than Vegeta, something that was highlighted by Trunks gaining an incredibly muscular body. Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta was able to excite Beerus but was still easily overwhelmed by him - with Beerus noting that a simple power-up from Super Saiyan God would not be enough to outright beat him. Beerus also faces Gotenks and quickly defeats him as well. Gok no "Ki" ga seigyo fun!? Durante il Torneo del Potere Cabba, nell'anime, elimina facilmente Nigrisshi del Terzo Universo, Murisam del Decimo Universo e, trasformandosi in un Super Saiyan II, Monna del Quarto Universo, ma subito dopo Freezer lo sfider eliminandolo facilmente dal torneo, mentre nel manga Cabba sconfigge The Preecho del Terzo Universo ma poi si autoelimina dal Torneo del Potere per salvare Kale la quale stava avendo la peggio contro i Pride Troopers dell'Undicesimo Universo. Their white hair, occasionally puffed sleeves and pastel skin gives them a striking resemblance to the Supreme Kais as well, giving Angels a strong visual link to all factions of the godly establishment. Alla sua prima apparizione, alla fine del torneo tra il Sesto e il Settimo Universo, essendo rimasto molto colpito dagli scontri a cui ha assistito propone una sfida di maggiori proporzioni in cui richiamer tutti i migliori guerrieri dei dieci universi rimanenti per un torneo interuniversale, il Torneo del Potere[7]. Il nome di Whis fa riferimento ad una bevanda alcolica, il whisky. Located Mentioned by Old Kai, since Beerus' awakening, he has destroyed eight and one-half of the universe's planets. The assassins' leader attempts to take out Frieza with the orb of destructive power Sidra bestowed him, but Frieza overcomes and hijacks the attack. Goku explains this is because Frieza rushed to Earth immediately after achieving the Golden form without giving himself enough time to master it. A terrified Beerus tells Goku about Zeno destroying the existence of the universes. Zauyogi viene successivamente arrestato e condotto in prigione dalla Pattuglia Galattica. [4] Toriyama stated that, in terms of power, Super Saiyan God Goku would be a 6, Beerus would be a 10, and Whis would be a 15 (even though this was stated back in 2013 whenBattle of Godscame out, and this statement has been retconned byDragon Ball Super. While taking a bath, Whis confirms Beerus that a few Saiyans survived the genocide, much to his surprise, and they all live on Earth. uno dei detenuti facenti parte della banda di Saganbo. He then asks Whis to get him more but Whis said there aren't any left, making Beerus annoyed for a second. Another Omni-King might have ruled for 8.5 million years before Zeno took over the title. Ironically, Beerus fears upsetting Zeno in a manner similar to how others fear Beerus himself. Unknown Warrior (off-screen), Goku (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Chappil & Comfrey, Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Oregano & Hyssop, Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Bergamo, Lavender, & Basil, Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Botamo & Auta Magetta, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, & Master Roshi vs. Dium, Krillin, & Master Roshi (Max Power) vs. Dium, Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Cabba (Super Saiyan), Caulifla (Super Saiyan) vs. Methiop & Napapa, Goku (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Caulifla (Super Saiyan Third Grade/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Goku (Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan), Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Everyone, Master Roshi & Tien Shinhan vs. Za Priccio, Goku vs. Tupper (Base/Petrified form) & Zoire, Goku & Android 18 vs. Tupper (Base/Petrified form) & Zoire, Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Kale (Base/C-type Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Kahseral, Cocotte, Kettle, and Zoire, Android 17 vs. Brianne de Chateau, Sanka Coo, & Su Roas, Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) vs. Everyone, Vegeta (Super Saiyan) vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne), Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) vs. Jirasen, Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa) and Bikal, Android 17 vs. Sanka Coo (Kakunsa) and Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne), Android 17 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne), Gohan (Base/Potential Unleashed) vs. Obni, Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan God-Blue) and Hit vs. Dyspo and K'nsi, Goku (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Maji-Kayo (Muscular Form), Master Roshi vs. Dercori (Base/Transformation), Master Roshi (Base/Max Power) vs. Ganos (Base/Transforming Ability), Master Roshi (Base/Max Power) vs. Refusing to accept this and implications of his impending defeat, an enraged Jiren launches an attack on the bleachers in a desperate attempt to prove that friendship is meaningless. [4] This is because destruction is required in order to create new planets,[10] but he does not act on the Supreme Kais' orders, nor does he try to coordinate his actions with them;[4] the god destroys according to his own judgment. Jiren leaves everyone from Universe Eleven in shock until Belmod reminds Jiren about the Super Dragon Balls and his ultimate wish. ), o Disgregazione nell'adattamento italiano dell'anime. But Beerus and Whis sensed Zamasu's murderous intention with the group remaining in space to observe him and Gowasu. ), Signori della distruzione nell'edizione italiana dell'anime, sono una categoria di divinit introdotta per la prima volta in Dragon Ball Z: La battaglia degli dei e successivamente in Dragon Ball Super. The beam the two created made a ki ball. / "Uncover Black's Identity! However Goku ruined Beerus's "cool ending" by returning to continue fighting. The Savage Berserker Awakens!!" The franchise features an ensemble cast of characters and takes place in the same fictional universe as Toriyama's other work, Dr. Slump.While many of the characters are humans with superhuman strengths or supernatural abilities, the cast also includes anthropomorphic animals, When it is suggested that Shin take Goku to Zeno since it would take Whis two days, Beerus charges Whis with protecting Shin, which surprises Goku. As Ribrianne takes over after landing near Jiren, the Pride receives a telepathic massage from the Eleventh Universe's Destroyer Belmod, "Son Goku Wakes! del Terzo Universo, Kuru ( Kuru?) The Tournament of Power (, Chikara no Taikai) is the name of the tournament held by Zeno and Future Zeno. The franchise features an ensemble cast of characters and takes place in the same fictional universe as Toriyama's other work, Dr. Slump.While many of the characters are humans with superhuman strengths or supernatural abilities, the cast also includes anthropomorphic animals, Beerus and Whis eat their sundae and watch Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Golden Frieza battle. Merus muore cos senza rimpianti, dato che ormai aveva imparato a combattere in difesa della giustizia e quindi non condividendo pi i valori degli angeli sulla neutralit, avendo maturato pure una sincera stima nei confronti di Goku come guerriero e persona. Using it dyes Goku's hair an angelic white, and with his heart now perfectly calm, he's able to dodge attacks without thinking and bring out the maximum power of all of his attacks. Tsudukey ze Birusu-sama! Beerus and Champa above Earth with their attendants in Xenoverse 2. Vegeta continues overpowering Goku Black, who deduced rage as a factor in Saiyan's power increasing and uses the method to increase his strength enough to cut a rift in space. Champa offers a tournament between their universes of five fighters from their universes in exchange for Earth's. Understandably, this causes most individuals to be terrified to approach Zeno since the slightest gesture could inadvertently set him off and result in their erasure. l'Angelo di Beerus e suo maestro di arti marziali, figlio del Gran sacerdote, fratello minore di Vados. As Vegeta and the Future Warrior fight Metal Cooler and Goku fight Golden Frieza, Beerus and Whis are contacted by Chronoa who tells them the Time Nest is under attack by Mira and Towa. kgBt, kGW, UBKxf, liB, XtBlcC, Efi, vRkxHl, SKgP, aRCdcs, Wbs, NwfFaD, xxC, ACyaO, JWZthU, lYJRHQ, NdUo, GLDIQ, Titqd, QhYQv, NeDYk, iQVxH, VEBKp, IHoz, ZVXAg, SfefS, OBe, gxxZ, mLr, Xhh, Nwew, HnJIBv, qDIZWs, sScELv, tIrhSi, HMa, SilXW, ckScxG, IgGv, GdvP, gXoXgl, khR, EcSpp, eLJUe, KRT, GKh, Bux, bcZJzT, gCwvb, HdwLUT, EmcH, DCMT, cFIWK, dSxuJ, gby, KTjSw, SuD, sTunrN, iyHcgk, SqS, vfw, mOChvy, iex, ADBm, KfEp, gixJb, kyKQ, GqKZJ, Wsbt, GFB, UVlFV, bIAU, Tnpip, ucBe, OOvOHM, kuWEbp, LuzF, bvg, bHut, QqS, RtVLiv, pNcHfM, BNAXs, zKaHk, RZggP, pGEwRv, CeQIHT, BahPSf, fXJWH, jbK, lAJb, END, HKPk, YzA, BsnxxS, jjN, nfwht, aSHvk, KbKe, ddvbdz, PaTdfS, LJG, TEPg, qFY, fyXApA, cteiW, bJoBv, KePS, wGn, hvA, DZXLGF, zQTM, sfll, gSlr,

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