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Make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader v.5 or above installed on your computer for viewing and printing the PDF resources on this site. Don't kill animals just to troll the Ukies. They have families and would probably surrender or flee to Russia but risk getting shot in the back by their own side or feel that defection might put family at risk. Posted by: Brother Ma | Dec 2 2022 18:40 utc | 84, Manifest Immorality / Feckless Certitude / Murderous Tempest / Disreputable Achievement / Rampant Cadaver / Interventionist God / Unintended Imminence / Senseless Slaughter /, Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Dec 2 2022 18:44 utc | 85. Recall Ukraine lost 12,000+ in Mariopole alone. Not very practical for this "industrial" scale combat. ", Posted by b on December 2, 2022 at 15:13 UTC | Permalink. Dear God in heaven. Ukraine fights a media war for the Western audience. These young Ukrainians are lambs to the slaughter on the whim, hubris and greed of a brutal psycopathic Nazi dictator who quite obviously doesn't give a damn about his citizens. Indeed. I think you're just kidding yourself if you believe the whole tenor of this war will not change once all of the new Russian troops are introduced. You are ignoring the real numbers and best estimates. Has Russia given in to a threat of the Ukies cutting water to the Crimea if the former wont give up the Zapo nuclear power station? This can be supported by a reasonable line of logic. @47 You make a lot of sense in that post Sunny although I believe you estimates of Russian Forces dead and wounded is a little high. How many ukies do you think are dead then? The further into winter the SMO proceeds that more obvious this will become. Which is why they were used wonderfully to make the Russians withdraw from Kherson. They felt a weakness in our defence, because (I will not name the numbers of the units, so as not to spoil their honour) there are units that are less motivated than ours. "do not fight a battle that even if you win, you gain no advantage from", these seem to sum things up, look at their stated goals and how they have set about achieving them, Posted by: Blackbird 25 | Dec 2 2022 16:55 utc | 49, Posted by: GoFast | Dec 2 2022 15:25 utc | 2. Eleven million living in areas now joined to RF. And because of that, we found ourselves in a semi-surrounded situation, and we had a lot of work to do. Numbers who have fled, recently to West are all over the map, I consistently see counts of 3 million officially received andguesses it is 8 not 3. Yesterday the British Express had this (@7:30, also here) from Bakhmut / Artemovsk in its Live coverage. Bakmut was in the headlines during Lyman offensive Unguided artillery has to be cheap because so many rounds can end up being wasted but even that calculation fails if the gun itself is quickly neutralised. What the heck are you trolling about? You are trolling with easily debunked information. Regarding Comment 5 above: sorry, silly comment. Show me instructs the dog to take the handler back to the location of a find. If theres something Im missing link me an article. The link is:, Posted by: OdessaConnected | Dec 2 2022 18:46 utc | 86, The Ukrainian commander of the Svoboda battalion. While there is some risk in this strategy, the war would be essentially over if Russia does this. Reports from DPR, Russian 'opposition' numbers, Russia MoD numbers all coincide. It's, does it matter to the US? Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:11 utc | 97. The West is simply using them as cannon fodder, to cause problems for Russia. Posted by: Neofeudalfuture | Dec 2 2022 17:12 utc | 62, Posted by: murge23 | Dec 2 2022 16:26 utc | 33. NATO has been training their armies with advisers from everywhere, since at least 2014. View an alternate. The war against Russia has informally been extended to direct attacks on key Russian infrastructure, Nordstream as well as the Kerch bridge; key military sites like Sebastopol; threats against detached Russian forces in Syria and Moldova ("Transnistria"); implicit threats against Russian ethnic enclaves like Kaliningrad, and of course the years-long war against ethnic Russians/Russian speakers in the Donbass. That might be why there's been so little surrender; they simply don't understand how badly they're doing because they have no basis upon which to form such an appraisal of their situation. I agree the Russians are finding the situation somewhat convenient, but I doubt this is what they "want". The only things approximating "facts" are situations acknowledged by both sides, of which the main one is that a large chunk of land that Ukraine claims has been under RF military control for most of 2022 (and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea since its request to become a member of the RF in 2014). Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2022 15:43 utc | 7. With GLSDB, the rocket is a booster to deliver a glide munition that can then attack in any number of ways. // --> Western ex-Ukraine must be pretty desolate for the Polish to be sniffing around (and for the nazis to let them), and if western ex-Ukraine is desolate then the rest of the former country is as well. Because that is a more logical one and goes along with other estimates, 100k dead soldiers on the other hand is a tremendously high number. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:23 utc | 100. If you don't have the vehicles to get ammo into the front, you don't have vehicles to get the wounded out of the front. The shit show continues until it doesn't and the human carnage from this shit show does not speak well of our species past and present. With GLSDB, the rocket is a booster to deliver a glide munition that can then attack in any number of ways. Bakmut was in the headlines During Izium offensive The alternative would be to have to hunt down nazis behind the lines. Russia are in no hurry to finish this. Read this to begin to understand what is happening now:, Posted by: Bob In Portland | Dec 2 2022 15:52 utc | 14, US "diplomacy" goes beyond sanctions to requiring surrender. How can the plan be to use the iaea who are blind to Ukrainian attacks to watch the plant? Lots of Adventist Pioneer stories, black line master handouts, and teaching notes. Russian forces retrieve wounded and dead if at all possible. Posted by: too scents | Dec 2 2022 16:58 utc | 52. Russians, all together with militias and externals maybe and if 30 -40.000 dead and wounded. ", Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 2 2022 19:10 utc | 95, Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:01 utc | 90. This has been a major issue for sodliers in that part of Europe, from Napoleon's invasion to both world wars. Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, German leaders vowed to boost the Bundeswehr, by investing an extra 100 billion in equipment and taking on a leading role internationally. Updated article 11/9/22 Lucy Studey has said that over the decades the family lived in and out of Thurman, her father would frequent bars and an old racetrack in nearby Omaha. What do I believe? Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 16:48 utc | 43. war is so depressing.. i feel sorry for everyone in all this and i do blame the west for this too zanon question on how many russian dead. i honestly believe the numbers of dead and injured are way higher for ukraine then they are for russia.. now, you can add the mercenaries fighting for ukraine into the mix too, but i believe the numbers are lopsided and that ukraine is taking a much bigger hit.. but of course it is speculation on my part.. if i am to read western msm - ukraine has been winning since feb 24th it seems to me that western media is full of shite and that the opposite is in fact the case see the commentary that b has posted in this thread as a sign Posted by: james | Dec 2 2022 16:48 utc | 44, Posted by: Chris | Dec 2 2022 16:31 utc | 39. Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2022 15:43 utc | 7. Over the next 10-15-20 years the USA can easily greatly expand their military industry. Everyone can see that the war is not being run optimally by Russia, and its been continually collaborating with organizations that constantly betray it. Dead and wounded maybe. Ukraine instead has no qualms wasting men and material to defend positions they are in a serious disadvantage at. Right now on 2/12/2022 Verdun has a hi of 39F-Low 37F Bakhumt has a Hi of 31F and a low of 24F. They currently have the upper hand and nothing the west can do (conventionally) will ever change that fact. High intensity artillery on the Ukrainian side looks to be close to exhaustion of western inventory and mechanical resilience. Ukraine also has an acute lack of ammunition for those few weapons that still exist. Where are you? . Posted by: Chris | Dec 2 2022 16:31 utc | 36. As for my beliefs about the 100K number: I have no beliefs about the number. And to chrystal meth, speed, captagon Mckinsey lists Urkaine as the country in Europe with the highest consumption of illegal drugs. Something that can be remotely operated and isnt expensive to replace if lost. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. For what reason would they try to match the combined stocks of the old USSR and new RF? Poles, mercenaries and old ukies are running around in the freezing mud right now. Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. For high volume, low cost rocker fire, I was wondering about low cost launch tubes bolted onto standard truck beds. Posted by: greg | Dec 2 2022 17:08 utc | 60. And thatwas probably on the high side, they refuse to do a census. Ukraine has between 150K-250K dead and wounded. A week ago I described how Ukraine is running on empty: Aside from HIMARS Ukraine's front artillery has become smaller with less reach than those systems used on the other side. Sounds like a clear Russian position to me that has not changed since the outset of the SMO. Don Bacon@12dug my share of slit trenches, doesn't matter what size the trench is, they are all latrines at the end of a heavy arty day. Some units could not withstand this artillery onslaught and retreated. This is not at all clear to me. Add three million who left this year and we are close to your guess of ten million. Now your turn: What's your line of logic supporting your assertion that the censoring corrections of V. der Leyen's speech indicates the correct number? Posted by: murge23 | Dec 2 2022 16:26 utc | 32. Bakmut was in the headlines before Balaklia offensive - How does that all add up? "I apologise for speaking slowly now, because I'm very cold it's making me dizzy. To me, it was a no-brainer, and to this day I dont feel bad about what I did, he told me. "Then the other thing we are confronted with is the barrels of the various artillery pieces are overheated because of overuse. Holding my breath, running out of the room, closing door behind me, catch a few barely bearable breaths, back into the bathroom, rinse, repeat, over & over. Stop trying to look reasonable and seemingly making sense. The alternative would be to have to hunt down nazis behind the lines. According to military experts, among them Douglas MacGregor and Scott Ritter, the most favorable KIA rate Russia can expect in this kind of situation is a tenth of that of the opposition. Capitalism will not allow it. Putin will hit the Ukies HARD till the Orthodox Christmas (7/1) then late January the hammering will resume. US delivered M777 (150mm) get destroyed and incapacitated regularly. That does not matter: it lacks it now, but it can easily build it up in a few years. The state of the Bundeswehr's equipment has long been a topic of concern: Stories about tanks and helicopters that needed repairing, rifles that don't shoot properly, and soldiers having to train in the cold without thermal underwear have filled the media for years. WHERE did the 200,000 or even 500,000 "best trained" ukie soldiers go? All wars are bankster wars isn't far from the truth. Stop trolling friendo. They have all the advantages. They should be eexecuted as the War criminals that they are. Well, well, well. As long as there is enough Nazis to shoot "deserters" in the back (what brave Nazi heroes) and enough captagon, meth etc. A small group of companies control 40% of everything and are interrelated by mutual cross holdings. "You are trolling with easily debunked information. They charged yesterday, quite seriously. Posted by: Nanker | Dec 2 2022 15:45 utc | 10. Add three million who left this year and we are close to your guess of ten million. Litter and shit all round them can be seen in drone videos. Text</B> Text US delivered M777 (150mm) get destroyed and incapacitated regularly. Where are you? You are ignoring the real numbers and best estimates. If you don't have the vehicles to get ammo into the front, you don't have vehicles to get the wounded out of the front. Pot meet kettle. Posted by: safe | Dec 2 2022 16:14 utc | 25., Posted by: Sektion2B | Dec 2 2022 19:06 utc | 90, Posted by: anon2020 | Dec 2 2022 18:59 utc | 96, But something that can program and launch a modern guided rocket, without the costly / distinctive launcher vehicle like HIMARS. I suspect the Russians are playing "accomplices" also in this generalized underestimation of the KIA numbers for the Ukrainian side if only for logical, and statistical, reasons. For Gods sake, who are these Natoists trying to fool? If it is only one month long there is no way that the soldiers will learn coordinated maneuvers. All the rest is just noise!! Indeed. My expectation is for a forceful thrust through Ukraine to threaten Kiev and cut off all supply lines to the Donbas and Odessa. Try again. Personally, as I have previously stated, I believe Russia must demonstrate enough strength in the near future to dissuade NATO and the U.S. from making some futile effort to win this war. Likewise I guess no one here believe 100k russians have been killed as Ukraine claims. Interesting article which discusses the likelihood that the war will lead to nuclear exchanges -- if Russia is winning and the U.S. or NATO get directly involved, or if Russia appears to be weaker and Crimea is attacked. Hopefully our future will be more peaceful. If theres something Im missing link me an article. Didnt Russia makes waves about so-called potential for dirty bombs ? Is that so hard? Zanon, the western media has been lying to you (to all of us) about Ukrainian victories. Sounds like a clear Russian position to me that has not changed since the outset of the SMO. The USA have been supporting the ukrainian war against the Donbas for 8 years already after that, and the USA DOD/CIA planners presumably think that once this open conflict ends with the RF victory they need, the insurgency that follows will last another 5-10 years at least, as the galician one after WW2, and the mujaheddin one in Afghanistan. Ukraine is decimated, almost demilitarized, and stops being a country as we write this. ), Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Dec 2 2022 16:07 utc | 20. A lot of people think that this is the big moment, but no, the current "special military operation" is but a short beginning of a phase of a plan that has been developing over many years. The link is:, Posted by: OdessaConnected | Dec 2 2022 18:46 utc | 86, The Ukrainian commander of the Svoboda battalion. View an alternate. Well, I'm glad they finally nailed that one down. Posted by: Jo Dominich | Dec 2 2022 16:59 utc | 54, Posted by: Ursula Zandt | Dec 2 2022 15:26 utc | 3. I still believe that some of the timing of the SMO activities are integrated into the bigger civilization war we are in and if/when an alternative system of finance is put forward, it will effect the Ukraine/NATO SMO significantly. Posted by: Steve | Dec 2 2022 16:28 utc | 33, Posted by: Zanon | Dec 2 2022 16:28 utc | 35. "Finland PM Sanna Marin says Europe is not strong enough without the US" Weary Dunlop is someone to read when it comes to surviving under harsh conditions. The claim of only non-Ukrainian/Russian spoken on the nazi radios. Some units could not withstand this artillery onslaught and retreated. Easily 10 million, maybe millions more. What happens when laws regarding Donbas are passed in an open session? Meanwhile ukies have lost their organic artillery tubes and rocket artillery derived from the Soviet Grad. Ukraine has between 150K-250K dead and wounded. While some are brainwashed by propaganda and want to fight, many were just conscripted and forced to fight. You are winning the war by making the other side unable to continue, not by holding on to territory while losing your army in the process. ", He added: "Today is the first day without rain, but then and yesterday when it fell, all the water flowed into the trenches. Posted by: Arne Hartmann | Dec 2 2022 17:57 utc | 76, Posted by: Exile | Dec 2 2022 18:05 utc | 77. The EU has now acknowledged that more than 100,000 soldiers have been killed on the Ukrainian side. The further into winter the SMO proceeds that more obvious this will become. The blog admins must know if their IP address come from Northern Virginia, or perhaps are associated with VPNs. RF has huge inventory and shortish supply lines, other than that artillery is just too conspicuous and difficult to supply for high intensity use. Posted by: safe | Dec 2 2022 16:36 utc | 39. My humble estimates, gruesome as they are. It is also, but not just, military keynesianism of the sort described by this famous diplomat: George Kennan "Foreword to 'The Pathology of Power'" by Norman Cousins (Norton, 1987) Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 19:11 utc | 96, Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 2 2022 15:26 utc | 4 It doesn't look good on you. Many "bled out" before capture. What a coincidence, I just read this article about Mexico and the US border. Possibly towed out and left in the sticks to be launched on command via some type of comms link. Bravery is the pressure feeding the AFU into the grinder. There are 38 fully-developed lessons on 10 important topics that Adventist school students face in their daily lives. That is one reason why Moscow may have no interest in publishing a true estimate of Ukrainian losses if they are much higher than the 100.000 KIA generally accepted. I mean, you put forward "beliefs" and you call it logic Posted by: Arch Bungle | Dec 2 2022 16:31 utc | 34. Fight infantry manoeuvres with Slingshot support? Posted by: Down South | Dec 2 2022 16:17 utc | 26, Posted by: Zanon | Dec 2 2022 16:15 utc | 26. Where do I sign up for trolling paychecks? Especially, by then there will be no Ukraine to fight for. And Putin - who's no fool - knows he has the advantage and he's to exploit it to the max. God Bless the forced Ukrainian Conscripts they are lambs to the slaughter. Scroll down to appendix S1, then look at the table on page 17. Link to Wikileaks Link to Wikileaks. Three million is Kiev sounds like a ridiculous overestimate to me. Himars are sometimes destroyed, but so far they remain by far the most elusive to destroy, due to being mounted on trucks. from The Moscow Times Text</I> Text It's obvious to anyone that has been following this war so closely. God Bless the forced Ukrainian Conscripts they are lambs to the slaughter. I guess they are taught which end of the gun to point at the enemy and how to and how many courage pills to take. Meanwhile ukies have lost their organic artillery tubes and rocket artillery derived from the Soviet Grad. Sounds like a clear Russian position to me that has not changed since the outset of the SMO. According to military experts, among them Douglas MacGregor and Scott Ritter, the most favorable KIA rate Russia can expect in this kind of situation is a tenth of that of the opposition. Which means that if the number for the Ukrainians is no greater than 120.000 then Russia's own may be estimated at around 12.000. Kill em off so you dont have them blocking your inevitable peace negotiations.. RF has huge inventory and shortish supply lines, other than that artillery is just too conspicuous and difficult to supply for high intensity use. And how Strength becomes a Weakness. I do wonder about the regular trolls who cannot possibly believe what they post. I still believe that some of the timing of the SMO activities are integrated into the bigger civilization war we are in and if/when an alternative system of finance is put forward, it will effect the Ukraine/NATO SMO significantly. As for my beliefs about the 100K number: I have no beliefs about the number. Plus the temperature is like this. But we hold our ground, and we defend. The Russian MOD says about 8000 KIA. Ukraine is claiming that they lost about 13.000 just today. })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); They got enough ammo, and a short supply-line. Posted by: Blissex | Dec 2 2022 19:09 utc | 93, LightYearsFromHome | Dec 2 2022 18:44 utc | 90,, Posted by: whirlX | Dec 2 2022 19:10 utc | 94, Putin Tells Scholz More Ukraine Energy Strikes 'Inevitable' Due To West Pumping In Weapons, "It was noted that the Russian Armed Forces had long refrained from precision missile strikes against certain targets on the territory of Ukraine," a Kremlin readout of the telephone call begins. That all radio traffic on the unkroid side is now foreign languages gives a good idea of the attrition. I see young guys standing with their teeth clenched. Zanon, and many others here are pure trolls. Just ignore him. Ukraine attacks have not been against Russian troops except near the front. They dont want Russians to have anything to cheer about. Ukraine is burning through ammunition and shells at a faster rate than the West can maintain according to retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Leighton. These young Ukrainians are lambs to the slaughter on the whim, hubris and greed of a brutal psycopathic Nazi dictator who quite obviously doesn't give a damn about his citizens. Everyone is too busy trying to become a crypto gazillionaire or start their own online business. And the shelling was such that it was impossible to get out of the trench, so the guys were constantly wet for a day or two. Because perception is king. Another 200,000 wounded. Brainwashed drug addled zombies. And yesterday they weakened our defence a little in the area just around the Bakhmut. When Nuland boasted that buying the Maidan Coup and the ukrainian govenment had cost only $5 billion over 10-15 years, shallow people focus on the $5 billion, but the more important details is that 10-15 years. . "So that is a major for the Ukrainians and for the West, especially if the West wants to continue helping the Ukrainians stop the Russians. Even being greatly outnumbered, the Russians advanced for months, but apparently, the supply of HIMARS and U.S. intel helped Ukraine stop the Russian advance and achieve some territorial gains in the Kharkiv area. I bet they do. .If this is true (and such information cannot be confirmed, as it is a state secret), German ammunition supplies are well below the standards expected by NATO, which requires each member to have 30 days' worth of ammunition. I believe the Ukrainian casualty rate is *multiple times* the Russian casualty rate. Washington, D.C. news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5, serving the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. HIMAR rockets are expensive ~ $125k per rocket (250lb payload). As bad as raw sewage stinks, nothing holds a candle to carrion. The article is in Russian, do a digitrans. Failed state in every possible way and your word 'hollow' is apt. Animals are actually useful. Kuzyk's report makes me think there will be a lot of trench foot affecting soldiers there, specially on Ukrainian side, since they can't rotate as much as on the Russian side. So who is left. I don't consider the Russian retreat from Kherson city to be a big victory, just a tactical retreat by the Russians. For 8 years before the SMO, and even since, Putin, Lavrov and any number of Russian gov't reps have repeatedly stated they did not want this war, did not want to liquidate Ukraine soldiers in battle, asked for MEANINGFUL negotiations and the reply was? Three million is Kiev sounds like a ridiculous overestimate to me. Posted by: Anne B | Dec 2 2022 17:16 utc | 63, Posted by: Don Bacon | Dec 2 2022 15:47 utc | 12. Explanations don't have to be encyclopedic and legally conclusive, a sketch would suffice. Bernhard, the 1 month of training is a fig leaf of a 'duty of care' to train them properly. The Ukrainian army is currently losing around 400 men per day. Stop trying to look reasonable and seemingly making sense. Over the next 10-15-20 years the USA can easily greatly expand their military industry. The West is simply using them as cannon fodder, to cause problems for Russia. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Dec 2 2022 16:19 utc | 28, In Germany the Bundeswehr will be no help. Instead that sounds like what might be much closer to the number for all of the still to be liberated parts. Thanks for the link buddy, I needed a good laugh this morning. What artillery support? Posted by: Sektion2B | Dec 2 2022 17:22 utc | 65. While Scott Ritter believes Russia won't achieve final victory until the end of next summer (see recent video with Judge Napolitano), I believe that General MacArthur's strategy should apply here (hit 'em where they ain't), thus I believe 1000 tanks can roll or blast their way through Zaporizhia to the Uman area, then divide to cut off supplies, cut off Odessa, and attack Kiev.

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