tunnel buddies vs eskimo brothers

She looked down the creek and told me to stop the truck. Our house was next to last on the block and this location is right at the city limits. I was a good distance away so I didn't hear any sounds. While beating a hasty retreat, I looked back along the fence line, but could not see "it" anymore. I dressed in my realtree leafy suit and lacrosse rubber boots, sprayed down with scentkiller and dowsed my boots with persimmon scent and walked to my stand (5:00 A.M.). I live in Northeast Texas close to the town of Commerce. Very BIG. Big head, no ears, little neck. ( dry laugh). We waited a while but never heard anything but coyotes again after that. I had it open sights but thought it was my dog with just a shadow. It slowed down, turning its head while slowing down. I didn?t hear anything, no footsteps or anything else; it was like it just wasn?t there anymore. That was the first thing that impinged on my consciousness -- the sound of something walking through leaves. We both stop and listen. We had many more encounters with them after that put mostly from a distance. While checking deer feeders, hunter has encounter on Neches River. About an hour went by and I called for my mom. I could hear my Grandmother and my Mom talking in the dining room. I was hog hunting from a tree stand next to the Sabine River. It reminded me of someone behind a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, standing on end, walking from tree to tree. He paused, looked at us and then in one leap, jumped out of ravine. Finally, what I saw turned and started walking away from me. We didn't stop or nothing, we were too scared so we just kept driving. When they reached the narrow canyon floor along the creek, they could hear the two boys calling to them from their campsite further up the creek. It never turned to look at us but stayed focused on the woods on the other side of the road so we did not get a look at its face. Now this area is developed. One was of adult and we could tell it was female and the other was childlike and was of male gender in appearance. He jumped in ravine between us and the target. It was very dark brown or nearly black, thick neck with broad shoulders,and had a wide skull, it was at least 7ft.tall. Three off-duty law officers have encounter while fishing on Old River Lake. We took off as fast as we could. I sure hope it is some kind of help, and I would like some sort of closure on this, it has bothered me for so many years. Family reports visual encounter while target shooting near an open pasture. He said he has heard them squeal like that. This swamp has access to Bayou Marie, Cedar lake, and the Red River. Motorist has visual encounter while crossing bridge on his way to work. At the exact moment I looked up our eyes met, and there was no doubt whatsoever that we made direct eye contact and then it was gone. Without missing a step it was now walking backwards while looking at me. It made no noise other than the crash it had caused earlier. It was about 50 yards in front of my truck. I fired up my Q-beam light and swept the pasture but did not see anything, so I sent in my dog. It screams often. He said it stood at least 8 maybe 9 foot tall and that it could step over a fence line. The damned thing stood up and ambled off into the woods! Geologist reports encounter while sampling rocks near Cane Creek. I was deer hunting with friends on a place known in that area as the boware slash, a slash where I come from is a swampy area. We were on the back porch playing darts. So anyway, we set off to check the lines. It became a sort of hide-n-seek as I shined the light to see their faces. Sometime after midnight we decided none of us had the guts to sleep in the tents so we all got flashlights and made our way back down to the lake to put out the fire. I lay there motionless for what seemed forever till I heard them leave the same way they had come. I saw only the backside of it and it CLEARED a blackberry bush that was over 6 feet tall like it was nothing. We have put up outside lights, and just yesterday we added cameras but havent seen anything yet. They said it was moving fast, and crossed a barbed wire fence without making a sound. It was probably about 7 ft. And the color of its fur was like the color of cardboard box just a little darker. Anyway, we were in teams. The animal picked up the dead hog, tucked it under its arm and started walking off and let out a noise like (Grrrrrrrrrrr, whoop, whoop, whooooooop, whoop). Boys sees a strange figure peering through window. Hurried on the way to school. Even though I had a .22 rifle, I was too scared. It was pretty different than I had imagined they looked like, though. The highway right-of-way was cleared about 20 feet to wooded areas on both sides. We were scared that we would encounter the creature, but there was no sign of it. We were camped about five miles down a logging road. My screaming brought the family to the fence where they helped untangle me and took me inside the house for medical attention. The first feature I noticed was the unusually long arms of the thing. I was about fifty feet from the animal when it crossed the road to the right side. So I figured it was an animal or coyote or something they were chasing. Atoka County is rich with reported and unreported sightings of wood apes, and it will be the destination of future investigations by NAWAC members. As serious outdoorsmen, we pride ourselves in finding such inaccessible hunting spots, and this one was no exception as it required a 6 mile drive down old logging roads followed by a 15 minute ride on a four-wheeler deep into the Sabine River bottomland. My husband said, he rode his bike so fast. The creature was about 6 and a half feet tall with light brown, long hair/fur. It went in the direction of my dad's stand. We were coming up on a bend in the road I was shining across an old clearcut when my friend started screaming. My heart pounded and when I got around the bus, nothing but the open area of where the fire had been. Three pre-teens have visual encounter in woods on outskirts of Leesville. It continued walking and I drove away in the opposite direction wanting to get me and my daughter as far away from it as possible. I turned for two secs and the shadow was gone. We knew something strange had been there and we started talking about maybe it had been the Fouke Monster, a creature that had been seen around a small community about 30 miles south of Texarkana for years. The lake and surrounding land are owned by a hunting club that has been around since the lake was built in the 1930s. I took a photo of it but the low sun cast a shadow in the print that makes it difficult to see. It was very powerfully built, especially in the shoulder and chest area. A lady friend of mine said she had seen one also in that area while hunting. We were out there hunting for deer when I told my friend that there was something moving closer to a group of wild hogs about 40 feet from us. I didn?t notice any moving bushes or trees. That only freaked me out more, and I paddled faster. Sitting in a car on Bragg Road, my date and I were watching the lights when something large hit the back of our car. About an hour before the sun started to rise, I noticed something coming out of the woods. Two sheriff deputies arrived. We were to a point were it/they either had to step into the open, go back the way it/they came or turn and face me. Standing up, the creature looked broad-shouldered but thinner than the first time I saw it. I have never seen it again. She was screaming about dying or something when I threw it in reverse and stomped the gas. It was about 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall, very stocky and was a reddish-grey color, its face was darker. It stayed in the shadows along the side of the wooded area it had exited. It was my headlights reflecting off of something standing beside the road ahead. We did not really search the area afterwards for traces or the creature itself. He assumed the animals were bears. Two fishermen report early morning road encounter while enroute to Possum Kingdom Lake. Then Tom appeared also running and looking scared. Then as I got closer I found that it was not car lights. It was at this time he realized that he was not looking at a horse but a large bipedal creature. The body was round and squat. After walking into wooded area, we disturbed a large creature that let out a very deep and loud growl that I've never heard any animal make before and we heard a loud thud like a heavy animal jumping. But everything was so still and quiet that day, I remember seeing it breathe. Its eyes reflected an amber color. My horses acted strangely in that they refused to hang out in the grove of trees that is their usual hang out during the time that this creature was there. The tallest must have been over 7 feet tall and the other about 1 foot shorter. Hunter has visual encounter while trying to find hunting spot near a creek. I asked my girlfriend if she saw it, she said she saw a brown spot in the lights like a bear on two legs. But when we looked into his room he had just walked out his door. The blind I was in always has a lot of activity around it. They were copper clad, almost gold in color. As I climbed up the dam to leave it must have seen me because it got up and walked to shore. Sometime around lunch(12pm) we heard some noise in the tree line on the north side of the river bank, we didn't think much of it, there are deer and wild hogs all over this area. We turned the motor off and while we were discussing our dilemma we heard something moving through the water, like walking towards us. We were at the Hagerman picnic area. I keep plaster in my truck after the former incident, last November. Medical research biologist (now a NAWAC investigator) recalls face-to-face boyhood encounter on grandfather's farm. An electric barbed wire fence surrounded the farm to keep the cows in, and their yard was also surrounded by a 2?-foot high electric fence to keep them away from the house. The smell was like when you kill a wild hog and grab him by the hind leg and then you give out dragging him and put your hand up to your nose and the smell knocks you over. Approximately 3 miles into Louisiana where the road entered a long shallow curve to the north there was a creature kneeling on the shoulder of the road. At the time I didn't think about it being a bigfoot because I have never heard of any in the area. We screamed as it turned. I am not too sure of what else to tell about what we saw. Both men are faculty members at Murray State College in Tishomingo, Oklahoma; Leeper is an English professor and Hairell teaches biology. In October 2000, I began hunting on my wife's family land. I heard what sounded like something of a low grumbling whoop to my right side (hillside of the trail). It is my belief that this is what she had contact with. I got no response so I hollered again. We have also lost 4 baby kittens in the last month, they seem to have just disappeared. This was very uncommon for the dog as it was quite big for the breed and a fearsome fighter and extremely smart. I can still see it clear as day. Includes admin fee & airport taxes. There was timberland that had been harvested on the way into the cabin site so Weyerhaeuser had been active in that area. I walked down a dry creek bed a hundred yards are so and proceeded to go into the woods to sit by a tree. I never wanted to run so bad in my life but thought better of it. And thats just nici qid for starters. He said someone was standing in back, about 6 yards (north )of the house by a railroad tie post, watching the house, and it was one darn big guy. The two girls were allowed to start walking toward the camp, but the witness sat down on a large rock beside the creek to rest for a while. No hair, and no footprints! None were in this particular field. The sun was going down (about 10 degrees above the horizon, and behind the trees), and was about 10 degrees to the left of the thing's silhouette. I believed her, but I didn't see these later events personally, so I won't try to describe them. To whom it may concern. When I turned and looked I could see a very large creature, about 7 to 8 feet tall with very broad shoulders, and could hear a sort "whoooop whoooop" noise. So we all started walking back up the road from the wood area and [our friend] said that he had forgotten the bait. So we all pulled our boots on and walked out side the tent. He was wide across the shoulders, sort of flat face watching me play with my toys. My feet found the drop off of the gravel bed and I jumped in the boat, grabbed the only paddle I saw, and began paddling. I did not see his actual body just the outline mostly through the window. I didn't tell my story to my mother until a few years ago and she confronted my grandmother. Some time later,as I worked, I heard a rustling sound behind me. Large bipedal subject observed squatted by a creek. I was traveling pretty fast so I reached where it had crossed within a second or two and it was gone. Down into a streambed and up the other bank off into the forest to be exact! Lady has visual encounter in Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge at Lake Texoma. I step onto the bed and pull the boat forward so Glen can step out. I had seen evidence of deer, hog, squirrel and even bear in the area. When I looked toward the door there was a 4 foot thing covered in a ruddy reddish brown fur. We call this "booger barking." I am facing the road and looking into the thicket ahead, and 60 to 80 feet from my car in the thicket I see what I first thought was the haunches of a horse moving around I could only see the top part. He was home in two minutes. I thought it was a deer at first, but as I got closer, it shielded its eyes from my headlights. I immediately flanked to the downwind side of the opening hoping to either force this thing to drop the deer and run, push it into the opening where we could see it in the bright moonlight, or confront me in the tall, open timber where I would have a good clear shot. I wasn?t entirely sure at this point what was going on. We hadn't had any storms recently and no other trees were damaged. He claims that his buddies have taken shots at the creature but it never had any effect (he didn't know if they hit it). One morning I was on my way to work and as I was coming close to where Fairmount road was I could see something by the bridge at first I thought it was a coyote or large dog scratching around the bridge with its back legs but as I got closer I realized it was not and that it was a sasquatch! We also had several dogs with us in the road. The object we saw didn't see us at first and it looked as if it was preoccupied with something. The son approached the plum tree, stopped, and began to scan area with flashlight 180 degrees from left to right. I went on patrol, dogs freaked out. Maybe 10 or 15 ft away. My wife was with me. The moon was about 60-degrees up from the horizon and located to the rear of my car, so it shone really brightly into the clearing. rather small for a boy his age. I am a truck driver for an over the road company, and I used to drive from IH35 in Texas, across to IH49 in Louisiana by way of state Highway 84. The sun was almost directly in front of me above that turn. The bush was being thrashed about as if it were chasing me or just following me. My family has teased me about having the nose of a hound) so the my 16 yr. old says "Oh Mom your always smelling something." It was at this point that I noticed all the raccoons were gone. At this time I asked the nephew want he thought it was. I took quite a few animals with nothing out of the ordinary taking place. It was a screaming hawk. Play65 has been offering the best backgammon game and the largest backgammon community online. For a moment it seemed we were both frozen. My car was a Volkswagen bug and the lights were not very bright. As usual, there was a lot of wildlife activity, until about 7 am. I did not stay around or go back and look for anything. October, 2004, same location: She said the lights reflected off of it and its eyes were glowing red from the porch lights reflection. That happened a lot. My two sons and I were watching television while eating popcorn. We set camp in the afternoon and then drove to pick up some family members at IAH at about 7 pm; we then cooked dinner, sat by the smoky fire for a bit and decided to retire to our tents since it was quite cool and we had a bit to do the next day. The floor of the pinoak flat was dry with a lot of crunchy leaves and twigs. It was male, obviously. I held onto the boat and ran as hard and fast as I could over the gravel. He said he couldn't really see any real good details, he only saw it when it was running away from us on two legs. When the van came alongside of the creature my wife saw it walking toward the lake. It sounded close to me and I was in the front yard. I ran back to the house. I never felt that it was charging me, but rather that it happened upon me by accident. I still don't know It was just staring up at the creature looming over it, neither one of them really moving. My father whipped around and said "Oh my gosh,? My mother described the sound as an old-fashioned horn that might be on an old car, but I knew it wasn't a horn. And to our surprise, something hollered back at us that was within two hundred yards. I was walking with my dog down a dirt road near my grandparents house. 10), at the time was the areas meeting place. We were no more than 15 or 20 feet away when this happened. I was going trout fishing with a friend below the spillway at Possum Kingdom Lake and we had taken Highway 4 north. Its eyes were large and almond-shaped - easy to see, because they glowed in the dark! He heard a high pitched sound like a lion and a bull mixed together and heard branches breaking over his head. We watched it watch us for about 30 seconds I think before it hauled ass into the trees. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. It was very quiet and I remember looking down as I was walking and hearing my footsteps. IDM Members' meetings for 2022 will be held from 12h45 to 14h30.A zoom link or venue to be sent out before the time.. Wednesday 16 February; Wednesday 11 May; Wednesday 10 August; Wednesday 09 November I climbed up into the first deer stand to be on the watch for a buck. It made its way across the field to the fence row (about 150 yards), on two feet. I told my friend what I found and we immediately left headed back to the car on hwy 12 about a half to a mile away. We were standing at the top of the bank in a moderately wooded area. Close highway encounter on Highway 287 near Woodville. It seemed more of a musky scent, not entirely unpleasant as the hog scent. The men did not observe nor hear anything other than familiar animal activity. I had at least expected to see eye-shine. He was lying on the couch fold out bed asleep. All three of us saw the same thing. It stopped when it noticed us standing there watching it. The only tree I could use was a small oak with a main fork that was about 12 feet off the ground and covered with poison oak. His nose seemed larger and nearly flat against the facebut not like a bear or a pigvery hard to describe. He took pictures, video, and samples of hand and foot prints. I am an outfitter from Central Texas. Off-duty police officer has midnight encounter on FM 1008. As we got closer to the house, we smelled that awful smell again. I snuck around to my parent's house about 200 meters from my shop and climbed on the roof to get a better look. I remember my father telling my about Bigfoot and that he and some friends had seen something he could not identify as a boy in West Virginia. Of course, considering the brief span of observation time, the distance (about 200 to 300 feet from me), and the lack of additional evidence, I still cannot be positive that what I saw was genuine. It happened in the summer of 1969. I started up the car and sped off. Mrs. Jones told us to get in the car quick, which we did. I don't know if I was in its path of travel and it just went around me or if it went around me out of its own curiosity. Second, I went to his house every weekend during deer season to hunt. My mother and father came home with the pizza and I could tell that they were shaken up by the experience. Again a strange feeling was felt by all that hunted on the place. I was facing south with two big oak trees about 25 yards away. A small creek ran a few feet north of where it (the creature or ?) Man on riding lawn mower observes upright hairy figure. Muddy Boggy River Bottom is only about a half a mile from our house. Well one day I was playing in the camper and the dogs were barking running just a little ways from were I was. It was April of 1983. I did go into the woods the next day and there were quite a lot of freshly broken branches along a line that matched the creature?s path as best as I could tell. He snort-grunted like a hog and took off. All the night sounds were starting. I was standing about 10 feet down in the forest around a deep ravine not really too far from the house but it was right next to a patch of woods going back further south into the national forest. This was at Bergstrom AFB (now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport). 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tunnel buddies vs eskimo brothers

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